Saturday, January 28, 2012

We Helped Save Four Adorable Animals!!!

Thank you for your support! We used the money to help save the African wild dog, wolverine, cougar and clouded leopard.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Red Fox

Red foxes are endangered because people take their fur. They eat rodents, birds, reptiles and invertebrates. They have predators such as wolves, coyotes and golden jackals. They use their tails as blankets. They are omnivores. They live 2-4 years. They have babies 2-12 at a time. Kingdom: Animalia. Phylum: Chordata. Class: Mammalia. Order: Carnivora. Family: Canidae. Tribe: Vulpini. Genus: Vulpes. Species: V. Vulpes.

Monday, January 16, 2012


They are endangered because thier food is disappearing and hunting for fur. Mommies have 2-3 babies. They can hide in stumps or fallen logs. Their cousin is a bobcat. They hunt at night so people hardly see them. They have so good eyesight that when it is a full moon and its in the middle of the night they can still see.
I'm mad at the humans that kill them! I like them becasue they are a kind of cat. If I saw one i would hug it and kiss it and keep it for a pet. I think they are cute, adorable, nice, they would kiss me and I love them!


Different Levels Of Being Endangered

Their are 3 categories of being endangered and 7 levels; Lowest Risk Category: LC (  Least Concern), NT (Near Threatened). Threatened Category: VU (Vulnerable), EN (Endangered), CR (Critically Endangered). Other Category: EW (Extinct in the Wild), EX (Extinct).

Arctic Fox

 Arctic foxes live in burrows. They eat fish, birds and rodents. Their fur changes color; in the winter its white, in the spring and fall its grayish white and in the summer its brown. They're 32 inches. They are born up to 14 pups at a time. They are losing their habitat, people are killing them for their fur and red fox are dangerous predators.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Otter

River otters eat fish, clam and urchins. They can hold their breath for 4 minutes. Family: Mustelidae. Scientific name: Lutra Canadensis. Sea otters pretty much have the same characteristics as the river otter. They eat the same things, too! We saw sea otters at Monterey Bay Aquarium. Kingdom: Animiala. Phylum: Chordata. Subphylum: Vertabrata. Class: Mammalia. Order: Carnivora. Family: Mustelidae. Subfamily: Lutrinae. Genus: Enhydra. Species: E. Lutris.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you so much to our friends and family who helped support endangered animals. We have already earned $195 only $5 from our goal!
Love, Aedan and Riley