Monday, January 16, 2012


They are endangered because thier food is disappearing and hunting for fur. Mommies have 2-3 babies. They can hide in stumps or fallen logs. Their cousin is a bobcat. They hunt at night so people hardly see them. They have so good eyesight that when it is a full moon and its in the middle of the night they can still see.
I'm mad at the humans that kill them! I like them becasue they are a kind of cat. If I saw one i would hug it and kiss it and keep it for a pet. I think they are cute, adorable, nice, they would kiss me and I love them!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Thank You note and the pictures you drew of endangered animals. We think you're doing a good job of informing us about endangered species! The pictures you've published are excellent, although I'm not so sure its a good idea to hug and kiss a wild bobcat! ha ha...keep up the good work.,
    Grandma Di & Grandpa Fin
