Sunday, January 8, 2012

Black-Footed Ferret

Their fur is a yellowish color, lighter on their belly and nearly white on their forehead, muzzle and throat. Their have a black face mask, black feet and black-tipped tail. Their babies are called kits. They are nocturnal predators. Their life span is 1-3 years. Kingdom: Animalia. Phylum: Chordata. Class: Mammalia. Order: Carnivora. Family: Mustelidae. Genus: Mustela. Species: M. nigripes.


  1. Good for you for creating an interesting blog about animals. I am enjoying reading about them. Keep up the good work! Grandma Di

  2. Very cool Riley and Aedan,

    we had a baby rattlesnake in our yard this afternoon. I decided to call it "endangered" so I let if go (it was moving too fast anyway!!)

  3. Good job guys! Grandma LOVES IT! Can't wait to hear about your next animals.
