Saturday, January 14, 2012

Gray Wolf

Gray wolves are endangered because they are losing their homes and people kill them after they kill their livestock.Wolves and dogs are closely related. Wolf pups play a lot--they like to leap, play hide and seek and also tag. They are the biggest wild dogs. When a wolf pup is born it weighs one pound. A gray wolf lives 6-8 years. Wolves almost never attack humans. A wolf eats about 20 pounds of food in one meal.
I'm sad that wolves are endangered because I love endangered animals.
If I would see one I would hug it and keep it for a pet. I would not kiss it because it is not a cat.
They're cute, they're nice and we definitely need to protect them. You can protect them by giving them food if you see one maybe even some water.
I like wolves because they are cute and adorable. You could help the wolves so they are not endangered.


  1. I didn't know that they usually don't attack humans. That is interesting!! They are cute too, but not as cute as cats. Thanks for the info guys!! love you.

  2. I think if we brushed the wolves teeth they could be a good pet. I'd like a pet wolf.

    1. Thank you. I would like to get a pet wolf but it might kill us.
